Conflict, Cultural Heritage, Conservation and working in Zagreb in late 1990s


Last year at the British Museum's Defining Beauty: The Body in Ancient Greece exhibition, one of the most outstanding pieces was the Apoxyomenos, see: The Croatian Apoxyomenos.  It was a relatively recent find, discovered by a tourist diving [...]

Conflict, Cultural Heritage, Conservation and working in Zagreb in late 1990s2020-04-05T18:26:48+01:00

Wall Painting Conservation for Shakespeare’s Anniversary


As part of the 400 year anniversary events to mark Shakespeare's death, a major conservation and restoration project has been on going in the 15th century Guildhall in Stratford on Avon, with the restored building to open as [...]

Wall Painting Conservation for Shakespeare’s Anniversary2020-04-05T18:28:57+01:00

Technical Perspectives on Wall Paintings


Last week, 25-29 April, was the 10th ICAANE conference, held at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna.  ICAANE (International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East) is a conference cycle organised by archaeologists from various [...]

Technical Perspectives on Wall Paintings2020-04-05T18:37:57+01:00

Death on the Nile; Conservators, Egyptologists & Coffins in Cambridge


From 7-9 April the Ancient Egyptian Coffins Past, Present and Future conference was held in Cambridge, to coincide with major Death on the Nile exhibition at the Fitzwilliam Museum - a part of the museum's bicentenary celebration. [...]

Death on the Nile; Conservators, Egyptologists & Coffins in Cambridge2020-04-05T18:46:24+01:00

Conservation of Theban Temples and Tombs Symposium


Last week was the inaugural conference on the Conservation of Theban Temples and Tombs, Luxor, organised by Susanne Brinkmann and Christina Verbeek, and sponsored by the Gerda Henkel Foundation. The conference was a one day event, and [...]

Conservation of Theban Temples and Tombs Symposium2020-03-01T11:37:57+00:00

1960s Wall Paintings at the Marsam/Sheik Ali Hotel, Luxor, Egypt


While working on various conservation projects in the Theban Necropolis in Luxor, including some covered in this blog: Conservation of a New Tomb; The Colossi Of Memnon, Thebes, Luxor, Egypt, the teams have stayed at the legendary [...]

1960s Wall Paintings at the Marsam/Sheik Ali Hotel, Luxor, Egypt2020-04-05T18:50:32+01:00
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