Eighteenth-Century Carved and Gilded Panelling


These beautiful eighteenth-century carved and gilded panels from Ditchely Park in Oxfordshire had been moved in the 1950s from their original location to the then newly created Lecture Theatre at the house.  At that time the backboards, which [...]

Eighteenth-Century Carved and Gilded Panelling2024-11-29T17:18:00+00:00

20th Century Paintings, Balliol College, Oxford


The Gilbert Spencer paintings at Holywell Manor, Balliol College, Oxford depict the Foundation legend of Balliol. They were painted between 1934 and 1936 when Spencer was a student at the college. The paintings cover all four walls of [...]

20th Century Paintings, Balliol College, Oxford2024-07-23T09:20:59+01:00

Conservation Condition Assessment Merenptah Tunnel, Abydos


Towards the end of last year, I undertook a conservation condition assessment for the American Research Centre in Egypt, supported by the World Monuments Fund at the Merenptah Tunnel of the Osireion at Abydos. A truly unique monument. [...]

Conservation Condition Assessment Merenptah Tunnel, Abydos2024-07-21T19:35:07+01:00

Conservation & Research: Wadi es Sebua Temple Wall Paintings


This multidisciplinary project, under the leadership of Prof Martina Ullmann of the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, at the Egyptian Museum Cairo on the wall paintings from the Temple of Amenhotep III at Wadi es Sebua, was undertaken in [...]

Conservation & Research: Wadi es Sebua Temple Wall Paintings2024-01-08T11:23:50+00:00

C17th Century Cotswold Manor House Wall Paintings


I undertook two phases of work at a grade II* listed 17th century Cotswold manor house in spring and summer 2022, following a conservation assessment of the wall paintings in the western of the manor house’s two gatehouses [...]

C17th Century Cotswold Manor House Wall Paintings2024-04-07T09:59:51+01:00

Conserving the Oldest Known Egyptian Wall Painting


For the past year I have been working for the British Museum, as a part of the EU project ‘Transforming the Egyptian Museum Cairo’ on the conservation of the wall painting from Tomb 100 at Hierakonpolis.  Dating from [...]

Conserving the Oldest Known Egyptian Wall Painting2021-06-12T09:51:46+01:00

Stabilising Recently Discovered c.17th Domestic Wall Paintings


Last month, when site work and travel were still a reality I worked on a fascinating conservation project on domestic wall paintings in a house in a village outside Oxford. Cromwell House dates from around 1600 and is [...]

Stabilising Recently Discovered c.17th Domestic Wall Paintings2024-04-07T09:57:36+01:00

Conservation Subject Bibliographies at the Chantry Library, Oxford


The Chantry Library, the reference collection of conservation literature owned and managed by the Oxford Conservation Consortium,  has introduced a series of subject bibliographies to its website, with the aim of providing curated information through key information sources [...]

Conservation Subject Bibliographies at the Chantry Library, Oxford2021-09-21T09:13:37+01:00

Nanotechnologies for the Conservation of Contemporary Art – Copenhagen


At the end of November 2018 I was invited to attend the international conference on NANOmaterials for the RESToration of works of ART, (NANORESTART ), held at the National Museum of Denmark in Copenhagen. The conference marked the [...]

Nanotechnologies for the Conservation of Contemporary Art – Copenhagen2020-12-17T11:22:16+00:00
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